redIT was successfully certified to ISO 9001 - Quality and ISO 27001 - Information Security and Data Protection.
The company redIT is based in Zug and is an IT solution provider in the field of digitalization and cloud solutions for companies in German-speaking Switzerland. In the interview with Yves Monbaron, Head of Cloud Solutions redIT, you will learn why it was important for the company to get certified according to ISO 9001 and especially ISO 27001.
The company redIT has also developed a solution based on Microsoft 365, with which the ISO quality management system can be implemented and maintained pragmatically and efficiently. Learn more about this in the video.
I would like to thank Yves Monbaron for the interesting interview and Alessia Baumann for the realization and recording of the interview.
I congratulate all participants of redIT for the successfully passed ISO certification of the two ISO standards 9001 as well as 27001 and wish all further success!
If you are interested in ISO certification or would like to learn more about redIT's solution based on Microsoft 365, I look forward to hearing from you.
Please contact me for a non-binding conversation. Martina Dudle Snydr